Thank you
It’s been exactly 72 hours
39,558 reads
2742 recommends
And 178 comments
Since I wrote that post
Many are in agreement and incredibly supportive
But several are not
I’ve received so many words of appreciation and encouragement
And it’s warmed my heart to no end
But I’ve also been publicly demeaned and negated
More than I ever have before
And it stings in a way that you can’t quite prepare for
It’s a weird feeling to be in this position
To share your personal experiences and ideas
To share your authentic self
For so many people to see
And then to hear that people love it
And that also several people hate it
It’s a new level of vulnerability I haven’t quite experienced before
If you were to ask me how I’m feeling right now
To be honest
I’m eerily fine
Very calm, very at peace, not emotionally stimulated
And I think it’s because a long time ago, I gave up pleasing everybody
But more than that, I think it’s because what I shared was the truth
My truth — in this moment of time, in this stage of my development
I shared it as best as I knew how
And that’s enough for me
So for those who have asked
Yes, I’m glad I wrote what I did
I’m glad that I felt a surge of inspiration to put my thoughts on paper
I’m glad I pushed that publish button early Saturday morning
I’m glad it’s sparked a conversation
In many places I don’t think it’s existed before
So whatever may be said about me — good, bad, or otherwise
I’m at peace with what I shared
And I’m grateful
So very grateful
For each and every person who read, shared, and engaged with my post
I appreciate so very much the time you took out of your day to give your attention to this topic
In this world of smartphones, snapchats, and silly memes, it’s heartwarming to know that this story was worth your attention
Thank you
Thank you for your encouragement, your shared experiences, and your partnership in this moment
I may not know you, but I feel you
I feel your acknowledgement, I feel your optimism, I feel your hope
And that is a gift I wasn’t expecting to receive
It’s also a gift I hope to pay forward
Pay forward with my voice, my platform, my privilege
I will continue to speak words and carry out actions that align to loving, respecting, uplifting, and empowering all people
And I hope you will too.
In solidarity,