6 Things You Should Stop Doing Immediately, If You Want to Be Happy
2 min readDec 5, 2016
Do you ever feel like your life is a constant series of highs and lows? One second you’re happy, the next second you’re upset? Do you have a hard time maintaining a positive attitude? Then…
Watch this video. I made it just for you!
And if you enjoy reading vs. watching, here is the cliff notes version of what I said:
- Stop comparing yourself to other people. The grass isn’t greener on the other side; it’s greener where you water it.
- Stop worrying about what other people think. Stay true to yourself: be who you are and do what you want. Don’t waste your time trying to please everybody. There will always be someone that doesn’t like you. That’s life; get over it.
- Stop focusing on what you don’t have. Having a “lack mentality” has never done anyone much good. But you know what has? Developing an “abundant mentality.” Focus on what you do have, what is going right in your life, and what good will come into your future. Do this and watch how your outlook improves.
- Stop holding onto limiting beliefs. We are all a product of the environment we grew up in and that environment has more than likely dictated the blueprint we use to navigate the world and our place in it. It’s important that you audit your blueprint for ways in which it may be holding you back. Have you ever thought to yourself: “People like me can’t be ____ or achieve ___.” That right there, my friends, is a limiting belief. If you want to be happy, you have to let go of limiting beliefs and instead adopt a growth mindset. Recognize that you may not have the knowledge or abilities right now, but that you are capable of acquiring those things over time and via hard work.
- Stop getting hung up on the past, or stressing about the future. What’s happened has happened. You have to get past the “coulda, woulda, shouldas” of life, learn the lessons, and keep it pushin’. And as for the future, that hasn’t even happened yet! Your fretting about something that may or may not ever occur. Relax. Don’t let your mind lead you down the black hole of “What if?” scenarios. Practice mediation and focused breathing to help yourself stay tuned in to the present moment. That’s where happiness lives.
- Stop waiting for someone else to make you happy. Your happiness is your job; not your mama’s, not your papa’s, not your lover’s, not your kid’s, not your boss’… No one is responsible for your joy, but you.