5 Reasons Why People Are Not Responding to Your Emails
There are many reasons why people may not be responding to your emails — perhaps they’re out on vacation, or they’re sincerely too busy to check their inbox. However, there are certain reasons that may be in your control to change. I outline 5 of them below:
1. It’s too self-centered.
Just imagine for a second, you don’t know me. I knock on your door and immediately start talking about myself. I go on and on and on…about myself. Then I ask you to do things for me. What would you think? How, rude, inconsiderate, obnoxious — perhaps? Yeah, likely all of those things and more. Remember that, the next time you’re writing an email: don’t be too self-centered.
2. It’s inauthentic.
Don’t send messages that people can tell you’ve sent to a bunch of other people. That’s called a canned email. I know it’s time-consuming to write individual emails that are customized for each person, but a simple way to start is to have a skeleton of an email and just massage it a bit to make it feel more genuine and personalized for each new recipient.
3. It’s too long.
People don’t open their email looking to read a book. Be considerate. Everyone’s busy and your email is likely just one of many they receive every day. Get to the point as quickly as possible.
4. It’s boring.
We live in the Snapchat-Instagram era. We are being wired to have short attention spans and be drawn to catchy one-liners, gifs, and memes. Email is not an exception. Put effort in your email content to make it catchy and engaging for the recipient.
5. There’s no CTA (Call to Action)
What exactly do you need? By when do you need it? How long will it take me to do? All of these things are great to spell out for your intended audience, so that the person can give you a straight yes or no quickly.
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