3 Small Weekend Routines That Make a Big Impact on Your Business
As an entrepreneur, it’s not just about how hard you work; it’s also about how smart you work. In three simple steps, I show you how to leverage the weekend to make huge strides in your business.
It’s all about the 3 R’s
1. Recharge
Get off the treadmill, kick back, and get some rest. Michael Phelps didn’t win 22 Olympic Goal Medals by staying in the pool 24/7. Rest and play are crucial to staying on your A-game — mentally, physically, and creatively.
2. Reflect
Get out of the weeds, take a higher vantage point, and reflect on what you should be doing (or not doing) to get yourself closer to your goals. It doesn’t matter how fast you climb the ladder if you don’t stop to make sure it’s leaning up against the right wall.
3. Reset
Before you know it, it’s Monday again and you’re right back to the grind. Take some time (Sunday afternoon is prime) to review your calendar, cut the fluff, and prioritize your objectives. Making the time to set up your week in advance lends itself to a greater sense of alignment and enthusiasm for your work.
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